Dana has been a supporter of our blog for a long time and we're thrilled that she'll be sharing some of her wonderful creations with us for the month of May.
Let's ask Dana a few questions to get to know her a bit more!
1)How did you get into papercrafting?
When I think back, it happened quite by accident! I've always had a thing for pretty paper, pens, notebooks etc. but it was as late as fall 2008 that I first took notice of "serious" papercrafting. I was browsing the web for ideas to dress up a travel diary that I wrote together with a friend on a road trip the year before. Actually, that diary still isn't finished because something got in my way: card making :)
2)How long have you been stamping for?
I can’t believe it myself but that’s only one year so far. I bought my first stamps in November 2008 at a local shop but really got into stamping a few weeks later when I discovered Nichole Heady’s blog and all the wonderful PTI goodies.
3)How did you get into PTI and why do you love it so much?
In December 2008, we organized a Secret Santa swap at the office and I was surfing the web for a little gift idea to give to a colleague. Finally, I found a really cute template for a snow man soup gift tin at a blog - it was Nichole Heady's and the rest is history ;-)
What I love most about PTI is the mixture of so many things. In particular, I love the clean lines and modern look of their stamps and also how their products don't pin you down on a certain style. I also like the idea of having co-ordinating supplies: paper, ink, ribbon, buttons... and now, even matching dies!
4)What would you say is your stamping style?
Oh, I’m not sure what my stamping style is or if there is already such a thing as a defined style. However, I like those of my cards most that I make with a certain recipient in mind. This also involves adjusting part of your stamping / card making to what the recipient would possibly love. What feels very comfortable for me, though, is a colorful clean & simple style.
5)Do you have a favourite PTI colour or colour combo that just makes you drool?
I love, LOVE everything turquoise, so, my favorite colours are Aqua Mist and the new Hawaiian Shores colour. As far as colour combos are concerned, I like to combine several neutrals like kraft, cream and chocolate with bright, cheery hues, e.g. Raspberry Fizz.
6)If you had to choose just one PTI stamp set to keep, which one would it be and why?
Wheww, that’s a tough question! Let’s see… either Damask Designs or Giga Guidelines! Both sets have larger stamps for focal points, hold the possibility for background stamping and include versatile sentiments (oh, and the fonts are fab, too!). Perfect for any occasion and style if you ask me!!
7)Who is your PTI Idol?
Another toughie! Narrowed down to three people, I’d say it’s
* Dawn McVey because of her fresh, modern card making style and her great eye for colour combos in general
* Betsy Veldman - her unique, inspiring way of mixing colors and patterns with a touch of vintage is just gorgeous
* Nichole Heady, whose clean and sophisticated card making style I simply adore
8)Where do you get your inspiration from?
Blogs of PTI's design team and other papercrafters, online shops like Pottery Barn Teen and CAR Moebel, “real” store's window designs, magazines, advertisement, t-shirts… Inspiration can be everywhere you look, you just need to recognize it as such!
9)What’s your stamping dream?
Are we talking BIG dreams? Well, almost every stamper's dream is being recognized by a major papercrafting company and work on their design team, isn't it? A dream that is a bit more realistic? PTI would release sentiment sets in languages other than English. With German as my mother tongue, I would love to see that happen! …and now the definitively doable dream: a separate room for crafting!
10)Where can we go to check out more of your wonderful creations?
I would love to welcome you at my little online home, www.dana-scraps.blogspot.com!
Thank you Dana, we can't wait to see your PTI creations in the weeks ahead.
We also wanted to say a big thank you to Katie for joining us in March, we loved having you on board Katie!
Thanks for stopping by - wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend!!
Kate, Aimes and Dana xxx
Congrats, Dana, on being the new featured stamper!! Looking forward to seeing some of your work on the 'A passion for PTI' blog.
Welcome Dana, I'm really looking forward to seeing your projects.
Hugs, Katie xx
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