So here's our winner!
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-04-19 08:06:14 UTC
..Vicki!! Congratulations Vicki! Please email your postal address to and we'll send your PTI prize asap!
So now onto our Top 3 PTI Passionistas....well it was a toughie with so many of you managing to incorporate material into your creations so well, but we narrowed it down to the following:

Beverley - We loved the way Beverley created a coordinating butterfly by stamping directly onto her material. The result is a super pretty butterfly that totally coordinates with the polka dot ribbon and DP. Plus, who can't resist that Raspberry Fizz goodness thrown in for good measure, eh?!
Kim - Kim shows that you don't have to think girly-girl to incorporate material onto your cards with this fabulous card suitable for both guys and gals! We love that the grass Kim created from material has a fabulous pattern cut along the top. What a fab finishing touch to add!
Mary Ann - The thing we both admired about Mary Ann's use of material, is how the green satin really reflected the reality of those leaves! They almost look real with that gorgeous green sheen! Couldn't you just imagine stroking them?! LOL!
Way to go ladies! If you'd like our Top 3 Passionista blinkie to wear with pride on your blogs, email us at and we'll email you the code!
Thanks so much to everyone who entered!
Aimes, Kate and Dana
I am so excited, this is only the second time I have ever entered a challenge! thanks for considering me worthy enough for a top 3 passionista!!!!!
Congratulations to all the winners! Beautiful work!!
WOOHOO I Won!!!!;) Oh thank you sooo much Mr Linky for choosing me and thank you soooo much Kate & Aimes for providing the goodies, can't wait to get them. (I won woohoo!)
Vicki x
Wow thank you Aimes, Kate & Dana I loved making this card and totally honoured you picked mine for the top three Passionistas... woo hoo!!! Congratualtions to the other fabulous crafters too, HuGs Kim :)
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