Sunday 5 September 2010

Come join us!!!!

Hey peeps! Ok, so today we have a question for you..... we're wondering if you would like to spend an afternoon crafting with a group of fellow PTI-loving stampers?!

Is that a 'yes' we here you say?!!! Well, we're delighted to announce, after many weeks of discussions, we are going to hold a Papertrey Make and Take afternoon in October and we'd love for you to join us!!!

Here are the deets:

- Date: Sunday, October 10th

- Time: 1.30pm - 4.30pm

- Location: Beauchief Baptist Church, Sheffield
(parking is available on site and around the area. The nearest train station is Dore. Connecting trains from Sheffield Station to Dore are at 1.13pm arriving in Dore at 1.20pm and 4.57pm back to Sheffield station for 5.06pm - we'll have to pick you up from the station because it's a good 5min drive from the venue!)

- Cost: £15 (This is just to cover the cost of materials and hall hire. We will not be making any personal profit from the event!)

- Refreshments: Hot and soft drinks with some snacks (there's a local Co-Op opposite for any additional requirements you may have!)

- Projects: Three papercrafting projects (two cards and one 3D item) using Papertrey products. We will provide all card/stamps/ink and embellishments you need to make your projects. Please bring your own scissors, adhesives, and any other tools.

If you would like to join us please leave a comment below by September 5th, there will be twenty places available.

We hope you can join us!

Kate and Aimes

Confirmed Attendees

5.Vannessa (maybe)
13. Anne O'K
14. Lesley (maybe!)
15. Worny
16. Debbi
17. Margaret Rose
18. Rachel
19. Dawn
20. Sarah

Reserve List
1.Sally Burrows


Taheerah said...

Me, I want to come!!

Kate Lewis said...

Great Taheerah!! Will be lovely to see you again! K xxx

Caryn said...


Hanne said...

There is a flight to Manchester on Saturday morning and a flight back on Sunday evening...........

Is the place far from Manchester and does it have any hotels?

Chris said...

This will definately be worth a trip up the M1 for and I might sleep over the night before in a little B&B in the Peak district too please!!

Vannessa said...

Sheffield is about 2 - 2 1/2 hours from me so might be doable. Will have to check my school dates next week though as I have no idea when half term is down here, so put me on the maybe list for now :)

Kate Lewis said...

Great that you can all join us!

Hanne - Sheffield is about an hour from Sheffield and there are lots of hotels in the city. Email us at with any more questions, it would be lovely to meet you! Kate x

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Oh my, I'd so love to be there but I'm so far away! Oh, oh, oh, feeling vey sad :(
Is it far from an airport? lol
Hope you all have the best time.
Katie xx

Huguenot Girl said...

Hi. I would love to come please! How easy would it be to get to the venue from Sheffield's train station? Nicole x

Kate Lewis said...

KatieJane - so sorry you can't come, we'd so love to meet you in person, but I know how far away you are. Maybe next year we'll do a European PTI weekend haha! Kate xx

Kate Lewis said...

Nichole - so glad you can join us!! If you email us at we'll give you more details about transport from the station etc. Can't wait to meet you! Kate x

Inkyfingers said...

What a great idea. I'd love to come to play and meet you all so count me in please?

Agnieszka said...

Oh how exciting! I would love to join the fun and meet you all in person!

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

European PTI meeting, I love the sound of that, that would be so awesome!

Linby said...

Would love to come as only a 45min drive from Nottm.

Chris said...

Sorry - made a big gaff :( Dear Hubbie has just reminded me we are at a wedding in Manchester on that Sunday - now I'm all sad I'm going to miss it!

Beverley said...

Hi Aimes & Kate, Me and my friend Kerry would like to join you all for the day! It's only 2hrs away from us :) Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Me too please. Oh brilliant. I'll just book flight and problem.

Karen M said...

Oh I wish I could come, but I'm over the! hoo!

Anonymous said...

Hubby and I are going to make a lovely weekend of it (24years wedding anniversary 4th Oct)So I will definitely be there. Just found unbelievable air fares. Oooh can't wait... AOK (Anne O')

Aimes said...

Hey Anne! Sorry I wasn't sure what your name was! Will be lovely to see you and what a way to celebrate your anniversary ;D (congrats for that!)

sugacatz said...

OOOO this sounds absolutely fab! It woudl be a very long drive(from near Glasgow) for me so I will need to double check. Can I be put down as a maybe and I will double check? Lesley

Stephanie said...

Oh poo - too far for me to come & play, I know it's going to be such a fabulous day too *sulk* xxx

AuroraDawn said...

Too far for me too *sulking and stomping* maybe us Southerners should do something down here ...

Anonymous said...

Too far for me too, Have a wonderful time, I'm very jealous.

I'm with you Dawn, need to organise a PTI day down in the south. Perhaps every weekend!!!!

Worny said...

Hiya i would love to come im new to PTI and would love to come and meet some new ppl and learn sometning new. sheffield is really close to me.

debbi taylor said...

Hey please can you add my name if there is space! thanks x

Alex said...

OOoO: Sounds fabulous, it's going to be a great day, I just know it! Just a little bit too far for me to join you both though :(

I can't wait to see all the pictures and projects from your day in due course :)

Alex x

debbi taylor said...

please can you add Margaret Rose as well and we will come together if there is room! x

popsydaisy said...

hello, I have only just discovered you, a lovely friend sent me a link as I live in good old Shefftown, I would like to come please!

Dawn said...

Would love to come if I can pluck up the courage to come alone, would also need to get a train from Derby

Aimes said...

Dawn, I've added your name - be brave and pluck up the courage because you'll be made more than welcome! As a fellow Derbyshire lass I'd make sure of it LOL!

lil-paper-pixie said...

Any places left girls, I would love to come.x

popsydaisy said...

oh no! I am sooooo sorry to mess you about, a small matter of my little boy's birthday soon after and it being the only Sunday in October that the minature trains are on, what is a mum to do?! hopefully next time, sorry again
am sure you can fill my place ten time over :) x