Sunday 10 October 2010

Make and Take Day!


Today is the day! The day of our Make and Take Event! Gosh I can't quite believe it's here already - where does the time go?!

SPOILER ALERT: If you're on your way to see us - then click away from this post; we showing what we'll be making today!

So as well as a good chatter, a good cuppa and a nibble to eat (and maybe a treat or two in store for our guests) I'll let you in on what else is in store for our crafty peeps!

We'll be making a total of three projects; two cards and a 3d project. Wanna see exactly what we'll be making today? Oh go on then:

This first card has been designed by Kate (can't you just tell with the use of Hawaiian Shores on it?! LOL!) I adore the way she's used the buttons as headlights - such a sweet feature!

The second card was designed by myself - I think you could probably tell that from the use of green (Simply Chartreuse is my new Black BTW!) and that fabulous On My Couch set *grin*

And last, but by no means least, we'll be making this treat box featuring yet another fave stamp set of ours, Star Prints! Now you don't think we'd let people return home with an empty treat box, would you? Nope, I'm pretty sure there will be a treat in store to sweeten that box up even more *wink*

So Kate and I have been prepping like mad and got to meet yesterday to prep some more (along with Caryn - an extra pair of hands is always welcome!) though I fear we spent most of yesterday having a giggle and catching up more than prepping as we've still got quite a bit to do in the few hours we've got left - eek! But it's been a fabulous weekend so far....let's hope it continues!

OK - gotta dash because we've still got lots to do and little time - I'll edit this post with the full deets of the projects when I find a spare moment!

So excited!



Emma said...

As I slowly weep myself to sleep after missing this epic day (lol!) I can only stand back and bask in the glory of your amazing projects. Oh a kraft goodie bag (I think I may need a lie down ;D)

Way to go a passion for papertrey!!

Antje said...

Great projects... I so much wish to attend something like that... one day, may be....Just have fun and keep on giggling and crafting!

Daniela F. said...

Wonderful projects! Wishing you all tons of fun :-)

Sparkly Pink Star said...

Wow these cards are ADORABLE!

Ann said...

Fabulous cards, girls! Wish I could be there with you! Have FUN! :D

Linby said...

Had a fab time today girls, thanks so much. You both really put a lot of effort into it all and it showed.
Hugs Linbyx

Anonymous said...

great cards - wish you all a lot of fun with this great projects

lil-paper-pixie said...

Girls I had so much fun today, I did not want to leave, could you tell??? LOL, thank you so much for all your hard work and please put my name down for the next.x



Inkyfingers said...

I absolutely loved the day Aimes, and Kate. I really appreciate the time and effort you put in and I hope you felt it was worth it. It was so good to put faces to names on the blog and see what all these lovely creative people look like. The icing on the cake was that I arrived home to be greeted with a glass of wine by my daughter who had cooked dinner for us all as a surprise. If you feel like doing another one tomorrow, let me know?!!
Carol xxx

Dawn said...

Thank you Kate and Aimes for a lovely afternoon, you put so much thought and effort into it, loved the goodie bag too. Can't wait for the next one

Dawn x

Jen Carter said...

Oh my! Those look like awesome make & takes! I love them all! Cute color combos, love the headlights, the gift box...all 3 are wonderful and I'm sure your girls all had a great time!

Cathy Weber said...

Oh how I wish I could have been there. I would so love to get together with other PTI people and make some cards. I love both the cards and the treat box you made. So fun!

Kristii said...

How fun!!!! The projects are fantastic and I bet you all just had a ton of fun!!!!

Sue Ann said...

I wish I live closer instead of a pond away :) The subway does not have a stop there from NYC....... looks like you girls had a FAB day!!! Oh and that VW card .... the best!!!

Margaret C said...

Gosh, you LUCKY LUCKY girls !! Please show us photos !!

Huguenot Girl said...

Thanks for a fantastic day - great to meet you and all the other PTI fans! The projects were fab! Looking forward to the next one! Nx

Unknown said...

Hi Kate & Aimes! Thanks so much for a lovely afternoon - and for my prize!**Big Grin**! Lol! Hope to see you soon! K :-)

Caryn said...

I'm missing you all already!! What an amazing weekend - great company and (and a rather fancy cocktail too - what more is there?). Great to meet so many LOVELY people too - thanks for making it so much fun.

Big hugs,
Caryn xxx

Ginger Claire said...

Thanks for a great afternoon girls. It was fabulous to meet so many lovely like minded people.

Karin said...

Oh how fun! I wish I lived across the pond so that I could have joined in the fun. I'm hoping for some pics :)

Amy Kolling said...

Oh how I wish I could make these fabulous projects!!!