Wednesday 5 September 2012

Our winners!

Thanks for checking in as we draw the winners for our latest challenge. Before we reveal our winners we have some big news for you - our challenges are now open worldwide!! This blog was started to bring together PTI fans from here in the UK and across Europe, but we have decided from now on to make our corner of the web a place where fans of PTI across the globe can come together to join our challenges and general love of all things PTI!

Up until now we have restricted our challenge prizes to Europe but from now on our prizes will, in the main, be PTI gift vouchers which can be claimed by anyone around the world. A big thumbs up!!

So, without further ado, let's announce the winner to our latest challenge... and it is...

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-09-05 21:09:55 UTC

Kirsty! Congratulations Kirsty. Please email to for details on how to claim your PTI voucher.

We will be continuing our blinkie awards for our favourite three creations from each challenge - our top 3 PTI Passionistas, again open to stampers worldwide!

Here are our top three this time round:

Imke created such a pretty card that really caught our eye! We loved your layout - it's a perfectly balanced design and how pretty are those colours!

 Micholla - Well Micholla didn't settle at making one of this fabulous card - no, she made 6 in different colours! We loved your layout and background stamping!

Sam - well done on creating such an adorable scene! So many things to love about this card but our favourite is that super-cute felt tree!

A big congrats girls! If you would like to claim our blinkie for our blog please email us at

Don't forget to check back later for a new challenge!

Kate, Aimes and Caryn xxx


  1. Hi there,
    thanks for picking my card for the TOP 3 ! I always like to join your challenges and i also like the new look of your blog. Hugs to you all !

  2. Oh wow!! Thanks guys for choosing my card for top 3! *dose a little dance* Sam

  3. Oh wow, lucky me! And congrats to the top 3!!!!


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