Monday 19 March 2012

A Winner!

Well there was colour poppin' here there and everywhere for our last challenge and we loved seeing all your different cards and colours.  The winner of the cute little Heart to Heart stamp set is.........


Random numbers generated Mar 19 2012 at 19:22:53 by

That means it's YOU Micholla! Get in touch with your address details and we'll get that wee set off to you in bonny Scotland. ( I loved visiting your blog by the way - I {Caryn}went to Dundee Uni and have many happy memories of that city).

Ok, so what about our Top3 this time?

Here's who caught our eyes:

First is Erin:

The layered vellum is so effective with the big bloom from Rosie Posie stamped on it.

Secondly there's Stephanie:

And thirdly we loved Imke's card:

She put those new sets to great use with a gorgeous background pattern and cute little light.

Well done ladies, get in touch if you'd like the Papertrey Passionista blinkie for your blog and don't forget to pop back tomorrow for another new challenge.

Caryn, Kate and Aimes.


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