Tuesday 21 February 2012

A Winner (Finally!)

Hello and happy Shrove Tuesday! I'm so sorry that we've been busy flipping and scoffin' pancakes that our winners post is a bit late! *wink*

Thank you to everyone who joined us with our love for stripes; we loved your creative approaches to stripes - from paper piecing stripy paper, to creating your own stripes with stamps - genius!

Well enough babbling as we're late revealing a winner already!

Do your thing, Random.org:

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2012-02-21 22:27:47 UTC

Number 12 means that Karen M is our winner! Congrats, Karen! Email us your postal addy to apassionforpapertrey(at)yahoo(dot)com with the subject Winner, and we'll get your prize out to ya!

And now for our Top 3. Well I know we say it every time, but it really was tough to narrow it down to just 3; not only due to the fabulous amount of entries we had, but also due to all of the different ways in which you all so cleverly incorporated stripes! After much deliberation, we decided on the following:

We loved Sue's creative approach to stripes by using a scalloped border pattern! Not only that - but the fun colour combo certainly gives this card some oomph as well! :)

Karen's sweetly paper-pieced striped houses gave us that warm, homely feeling that the card intends to do. We love the mix of both straight lines and chevron lines - rocking the lines at both angles!

Finally we totally fell for Jenny's striped tea-pot! So sweet! And not only that - but Jenny also cleverly incorporated stripes twice more by paper-piecing a fabulous gingham-style tablecloth for that sweet teapot and using the linen and canvas impression plate for the background to compliment the tablecloth!

Congrats, ladies! If you haven't got one already, drop us an email with the subject Winner for a Top 3 blinkie to blink with pride on your blog!

Now due to the late nature of this post - our challenge is going to schedule a day later too. Stay tuned tomorrow to find out what it is...!

Aimes, Caryn & Kate



  1. oooo thanks for the top three award :0)
    Congrats to Karen.
    Jenny x

  2. Oh fabby! I'm so excited! Thanks, girls! And well done to everyone else who participated and to Sue and Jenny Kx


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