Thursday 1 December 2011

I'm Dreaming of a {Red and White} Christmas Challenge!!

Ok, we know - our last challenge was also a "Holiday" based challenge but with Christmas just around the corner and a myriad of cards and gifts still to make we thought another Holiday-inspired challenge wouldn't go amiss!

This time we're putting a colour theme into the mix and are asking you to create a Christmas/Holiday card using red and white {or cream} as your main colours. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

For my card I automatically reached for my Stylish Sentiments:Holidays set. I love this set so much!! The base white card is stamped with snowflakes from the Tag Its #9 set in Pure Poppy and the flourish under the sentiment is from Big and Bold Holiday Wishes stamped in Versamark and then embossed in white filigree powder). I so love this colour combo :0)

Caryn xxx

Over to Kate: "I agree with Caryn, this colour combination is SO fabulous for Christmas! I came across my Rustic Snowflakes set, which sadly has been pushed to the bottom of my pile of PTI sets so grabbed my new Pure Poppy ink and gave it some inky love! It was a long wait for the first batch of new inks but they looking great so far!"

Card Recipe: (All supplies PTI)
Stamps: Rustic Snowflakes/Rustic Branches/Tiny Tags
Ink: Pure Poppy/Basic Black
Card: Vintage Cream/Pure Poppy
Other: Tiny Tags Die/Take Three Die/Pure Poppy Baker's Twine

I'm afraid our poor Aimes is suffering from a badly injured ankle after a tumble playing football (rolls eyes!!) so she will be back soon with her sample when she's able to move again!!

***Edited to add***

"I'm here *waves!* Yup, I may be on the sofa with one foot raised in some considerable pain but I'm here!

Not only am I here, but I'm also here with a red and white themed Christmas card for our super challenge:

Deck the Halls
Card Deets
Stamps: Stocking Prints (Papertrey Ink)
Ink: Pure Poppy (Papertrey Ink)
Cardstock: Stamper's Select White (Papertrey Ink)
Accessories: Stocking Die, Bakers Twine (Papertrey Ink)/Felt (Craft Supply)/Cuttlebug

I decided to play with my Stocking Die for this challenge and added some texture to a very CAS card by cutting my stocking from felt.

Admittedly I did keep having the urge to add green to this combo but luckily Caryn and Kate are so right in thinking that red and white make a fab combo alone for a Christmas project. And anyways, I can also insert this into a green envie, right? *wink*"

One lovely crafty person will win this....

Here are our challenge deets:

* All entries must contain at least one PTI product to qualify (please state what is PTI as sometimes it's hard to see :D)

* All entries must be newly created (well, new to Blogland anyways!). Please don't link to old posts that might happen to fit the brief of the challenge!!

* To enter, use our inlinkz thingy at the bottom of this post. Please leave the correct URL for your entry post and not just your generic blog address! If you're having problems then just leave a comment with a link to your post featuring the project on your blog or online gallery.

* Worldwide entries are more than welcome to share the inspiration and can be in with a chance of being a Top 3 PTI Passionista, but unfortunately prizes can only be shipped within Europe!

* Challenge closes on Monday, December 12th 2011 at 9.00am GMT

* As well as a randomly picked winner, we'll select the top three creations we like the most and feature them on the Blog. The top three PTI Passionistas will have chance to display a Top 3 Passionista Blinkie on their own blog.


  1. Oh fun, can I post yesterday's cards? They're "new" to blogland and just pretend that I got confused with the int'l date line and posted them 6 hours too early?

  2. Seeing as we're two days late posting this challenge I think you're officially on time anyway!! Maybe you had a premonition Erin?? Please do share your cards, we'd love to see them!

  3. I wish I'd taken pictures of the cards I've already made ... and sent my theme this year has been red and white I swear!!

    I'm now onto my tags - hope they qualify?

  4. I made two more red and white cards - am I allowed to enter them as well?

  5. @Cara - Of course you can enter more! So long as they're new to Blogland - the more inspiration shared the better!
    Get those beauties linked up! :D

  6. Thanks! Off to post my draft now! :)


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