Monday 28 November 2011

The girls!

Left to right: Kate, Caryn & Aimes

Happy Monday all! I hope you're all set for a brand new challenge tomorrow but in the meantime I just wanted to share a picture of the A Passion for Papertrey girls! It was taken last weekend during a fabulous few days together - here we are getting (just a bit!) excited before the showing of the new Twilight film!

We're so lucky to have become such good friends through our hobby, and love bringing you challenges here on the blog. Thank you so much for supporting us, we really appreciate it and love seeing your wonderful projects!

Kate, Aimes & Caryn xxx


  1. Such a lovely photo. Isn't it wonderful to have such dear friends from this fabulous hobby?

  2. Aimes, is this your way of taunting me because of the photos of me and Lynn in the summer?! What a gorgeous pic of some of my favourite peeps! Just photoshop me in there, k? Hugs ladies!!

  3. Hi girls! It's great to see that smiling faces behind this awesome place :)

  4. Beautiful pic girls, I can't wait to see that film!
    Katie x

  5. You such PRETTY girls !!

    And THANK YOU !!!! for all your wonderful inspiration, challenges and prizes, you guys are the best !!!

    Margaret C


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