Tuesday 1 November 2011

A colourful challenge!

Hello there! Pinch punch, first of the month... is it November already?! Indeed it is, and with it time for a brand new challenge! This fortnight we're giving you a colour challenge:

Now, don't worry if you don't have any PTI colours - you can use any make of card/ink etc as long as you (loosely!) stick to the colours above.

For my sample I used one of my favourite layouts (or go-to layouts if I'm short of time or mojo!) to make a thank you card. I used my fabulous new Harvest Berries set - great for background stamping - and added some pearls that I coloured green with a Copic marker.

Card Recipe

Stamps: Harvest Berries/Think Big Favourites no 2
Card: Vintage Cream/Dark Chocolate (PTI)
Ink: Melon Berry/Ripe Avocado/Dark Chocolate (PTI)
Other: Corner Chomper/Pearls/Copic Markers

Over to Aimes
"Did you hear me scream when I heard about this challenge? Talk about a challenge with a huge obstacle to tackle; no, not the dark chocolate and most certainly not the green but...melon berry!!! Eeek! Just the name of that colour makes me shudder! OK so I'm over-reacting slightly, but honestly, it's the one colour I really struggle to work with.

But a challenge wouldn't be a challenge if it didn't stretch me in some way, so I learned to love a li'l bit of the berry and got on with it:

Card Deets
{I'm so Grateful for you}
Stamps: Signature Greetings/Background Basics: Chevron Stripes
Ink: Spring Moss (Papertrey Ink)/Rich Cocoa (Memento)
Cardstock: Vintage Cream, Melon Berry (Papertrey Ink)
Accessories: Dark Chocolate Buttons, Cream Button Twine, Linen and Canvas Impression Plate, Mat Stack 4 Die, Fillable Frames Die (Papertrey Ink)/Cuttlebug, Distressed Wood Embossing Folder (Provocraft)

Combined with the other two gorgeous colours (and cream!) I may have a tiny soft spot for Melon Berry after all (just don't tell it that though! )

And here's Caryn:
Well I had the same flicker of dread as Aimes when I realised I was going to have to use Melon Berry!! It's not that I hate it - it's just that I NEVER use it! In fact when I went to reach for a sheet of MB card I discovered the pack was still sealed!! This is officially my first ever card using Melon Berry. The thing is - I actually really like the colour combo!! There isn't a "whole lotta stampin" going on on this card but it makes good use of some fabulous dies and the woodgrain impression plate (which I can't stop using at the moment!

I apologise for the poor photo - seeing as we were burgled last weekend (fuming) and the kind thoughtful thieves stole my Canon SLR camera (seethe) my only method of photography at the moment is my iPhone (recently upgraded as they took that too!!).

Here's what one lucky randomly-drawn winner will receive!

Now for the all important challenge guidelines:

* All entries must contain at least one PTI product to qualify (please state what is PTI as sometimes it's hard to see :D)

* All entries must be newly created (well, new to Blogland anyways!). Please don't link to old posts that might happen to fit the brief of the challenge!!

* To enter, use our inlinkz thingy at the bottom of this post. Please leave the correct URL for your entry post and not just your generic blog address! If you're having problems then just leave a comment with a link to your post featuring the project on your blog or online gallery.

* Worldwide entries are more than welcome to share the inspiration and can be in with a chance of being a Top 3 PTI Passionista, but unfortunately prizes can only be shipped within Europe!

* Challenge closes on Monday, November 14th 2011 at 9.00am GMT

* As well as a randomly picked winner, we'll select the top three creations we like the most and feature them on the Blog. The top three PTI Passionistas will have chance to display a Top 3 Passionista Blinkie on their own blog.

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Kate, Aimes & Caryn xxx


  1. Call me a crazy Californian, but I love this color scheme, and have been looking for an excuse to break out my new package of melon berry. I had decided the other day to try this challenge, and was hoping it would be something I can handle. I've got two ideas, and am working on the first right now.

  2. Second attempt to leave a comment! Sorry to hear about the burglary - what a total bummer. Love what you gals created. Hopefully will get a chance to play along on this fun challenge.


Thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment!

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