Monday 19 September 2011

Our winners!

Hello and a big thank you to everyone who entered our Design Team inspired challenge! It was fabulous seeing so many beautiful creations, and your takes on the originals!

So let's announce our winner shall we?! And the winner is...

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2011-09-19 16:53:03 UTC

... Victoria! Congratulations Victoria! Please email your postal address to and we'll get your prize shipped out to you asap!

Choosing our Passionistas was (as always!) a difficult choice but in the end we settled on these three fabulous creations:

1) Maureen - We just loved Maureen's take on a Dawn McVey card - she really injected her own style to the project and layered some beautiful elements - lovely!

2) Lee - Lee's project jumped off the page at us! She has used a Nichole Heady to inspire her to craft a beautiful tag book - just look at the work that has gone into every page!

3) Beverley - Bev's card is sure to brighten up anyone's day! Check out the layered butterflies that are stitched onto the card!

Congratulations on your inspiring creation ladies! If you would like to have our Top 3 Passionista blinkie for your blog just email us at and we'll send you the code.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for an all-new challenge!

Kate, Aimes & Caryn xxx


  1. thanks, Ladies!! Wow! You just keep adding icing on the cake :) This was such a fun challenge!! Congrats to the other Passionistas :)

  2. I am glad to see that Lee's journal was one of your top three ... it is such a beautiful project :O) Well done to everyone in this challenge- there were so many projects to go though and look at :o)

    Shelly X

  3. woo-hoo! I'm so excited to win this prize. Thank you for the lovely comments left on my blog. I'm new to blogging and you have made me feel so welcome. It's great to be a part of APFP. x

  4. Thanks for choosing my project. What a wonderful surprise and a great boost. I've been in a bit of a crafting slump...hope the mojo is on the way back. LOL.


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