Wednesday 3 August 2011

Drink in style!

Well we're officially over half-way through week two of my summer holidays - why do they fly by so fast?!?!

I'm just popping in with an idea that you may want to try out yourself:


Yup - stamping directly on to glass! I love the results so much that my guy is hiding every glass object we have for fear it'll get stamped on LOL!

Just a few pointers to spare you the endless time I spent working out how to get the best results:
  • I used white Staz-On ink (it gives a nice frosted effect) but from then on gently handwash/rinse the glasses for future use!
  • Ink your stamp up then stamp on scrap paper a couple of times before attempting to stamp directly on to the glass. Too much ink will make your stamp slip and slide uncontrollably on your glass resulting in a white splodge!
  • Gently place the glass at one edge of the stamp and roll it across the stamp ensuring the stamp follows the curve of the glass.
  • If you end up with a splodge - simply wipe away with a wet-wipe straight away, dry with kitchen towel and start again. You don't need to find a new glass!
This glass forms part of a trio of party projects with a butterfly and damask theme for the final round of Gallery Idol (still, have to pinch myself that I'm in it!)

Party Projects

You can check out more about the projects here and check out the fabulous 5 entries for the final round here. Fancy voting? Make your decision soon because voting ends at 7pm tomorrow (Thursday, UK time) and it's a tough decision to make!


{Drink in Style}
Stamps: Damask Designs, Tiny Tags (Papertrey Ink)
Ink: Spring Rain (Papertrey Ink)/ Versamark/Opaque White (Staz-On)
Cardstock: Vintage Cream, Spring Rain, Fine Linen (Papertrey Ink)
Accessories: Butterfly Punches (Tonic & Martha Stewart)/Tiny Tags Die, Ribbon Twine (Papertrey Ink)/Cuttlebug/ Alphabet Transfers (Doodlebug)


  1. No sympathy - next week is the last week of my hols, and I haven't done a THING to prepare for the P6 coming in !!!!

    Hope the rest of your summer is fun and good luck with the Papercrafts comp!!!

    Margaret C

  2. Gorgeous projects - I saw them (and voted!) over at PC.
    Wishing all the very best in the rest of the comp!!!

  3. That is just genius!! Love this! Damask Designs is just ever so fabulous, isn't it? (ps. there is a spam comment above mine)


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