Sunday 21 August 2011

Crafting on a Sunday.

Yes, for the first time in forever I have had some time to myself to craft.  Hubby and the kids are away in Angelsey and poor me is stuck here to run the business.  Now as we're closed on a Sunday I was left with two choices as to what to do with my time - clean the house and do the washing OR lock myself in my craft room with an iPod full of uplifting poptastic songs (loving Bruno Mars right now!!) and do something creative.  Seeing as the dishes still arent' in the dishwasher I bet you can guess what won!!!

Enjoy your weekend wherever you are.

Caryn xxx


  1. I say you made a great choice and the result is beautiful!

  2. You're my kinda girl, Caryn !! What a GORGEOUS card ! Enjoy the peace and quiet !

  3. Good for you Caryn - I'm sure I can hear your dulcet tones from here lol! LOVE the dotty embossing and touch of thread on this scrummy card x

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