Tuesday 26 July 2011

A winner!

Sorry to be a bit late with this post but I've been sunning myself on holiday working very hard and haven't had a spare minute!!! 

Now onto the important bit, the winner of the Summertime challenge is......


Random numbers generated Jul 26 2011 at 18:18:46 by www.psychicscience.org

That means JENNY is the winner of the Whale Wishes stamp set - woo hoo.  Well done hunny, get your postal deets over to us and your prize will be off to you soon.

Now for our Top Three Passionistas.  Another tricky one but these are the ones that caught our eye this week.

Jenny - Oh my goodness - that lolly looks good enough to eat.  What a creative use of cardstock and glossy accents!!

Shelly - We loved Shelly's array of cards she made using some patterned papers and brads - great for guys AND gals alike!!

Melissa - created a stunning vase of flowers in gorgeous warm colours using the Jar fillers stamps.  We loved the shading and simple layout, very pretty.

Now all you girls can wear our Top 3 badge with pride - just pop us an email and we'll get the blinkie off to you.

Thanks for joining in everyone.
Caryn xxx


  1. ooo Thank you so much, just glad I can join in the challenges now i have a few sets to stamp with. Sent my deets and I look forward to recieving my prize :)
    Jenny x

  2. Woohoo! Thanks girls for the shout-out! I'm looking forward to playing along with the next challenge!

  3. brilliant :o) I was very happy when I saw myself in the top 3, what a lovely surprise!

    I wrote about it in my blog if you fancy taking a look ... !



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