Wednesday 6 July 2011

A Wacccky Winner!


We know it's July but our featured stamper for June, Moe, has some very official business to attend to here on the blog. She has the fun task of randomly selecting a winner of her fabulous Wacccky challenge as well as her fave top three projects!

So let's not delay you anymore and draw the winner of a $25 Gift Certificate to PTI:

Number six is super lucky for, Melisa Hunter! Congrats, Melisa! You can pop us an email at or email Moe directly at to collect your gift certificate - have fun spending it :)

And Moe also got a taste on just how tough it can be to narrow down so many fabulous entries down to three! But after much deliberation the following are PTI Passionistas and totally rocked the Wacccky challenge!

Congrats ladies! If you'd like a blinkie to show how fabulous you are then pop us an email and we'll send you the code!

Thanks so much to Moe for being our fabulous featured stamper and for organising such a fab challenge too! As you can probably tell, we've taken a break for our featured stamper feature for July: it's proving to be a very busy month but we hope to be back in August!

If you fancy getting your inky mitts on some more PTI goodies, why not play along with our current challenge (which I'm yet to make a card for - eek!)

Aimes (& Moe!)


  1. This was a fun challenge and I'm so happy I participated, thanks Maureen for making me stretch outside the normal boundaries!

  2. congrats to everyone!! Seriously, next time I'm picking all 9!! We are all winners in this craft!! Thanks for making June extra fun!!

  3. Yay, thank you for incliding me in the top 3! Congrats to Melisa, enjoy your goodies! :)

  4. Congrats to the top three! You made wonderful cards. I had so much fun looking through them all; it was a seriously wacky colour combo, but with wonderful results. I'm so excited about winning the PTI certificate. Wow! I'll have no trouble spending that! Thanks so much!

  5. Well done ladies - they were all fabulous. And thanks Moe, you've been a great addition to the team!
    Hugs, caryn x

  6. Congratulations ~ Looks like all had fun with the colors! Can't wait to see the next "Draw"!

  7. Thanks so much for picking my card as a top three and for issuing such a fun challenge!


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