Thursday 14 July 2011


Happy Friday Eve! (Can't you just tell I'm a weekend kinda gal? LOL!)

I'm popping in with a card made from my new (well, new to me!) Modern Basics stamp set:


I love the endless possibilities this stamp set offers; I think I must have spent a good hour or so simply stamping and creating new pattens on scrap paper with it!

Now just before I leave you, unless you've been hiding under a rock here in Blogland you've probably heard about Gallery Idol 2011. Now I dunno how, but somehow I've made it into the final 20! We were given the task of creating DIY embellishments for round one, and after chopping the end of my pencil crayons, here's my entry:

You Color My World

Voting for the next round ends today at 7pm UK time, and the 15 cards with the most votes go through to the next round. I'd really love it if you could be so kind enough to pop across there, register (it only takes a couple of mins), check out the amazing creations and vote for your favourite (I'd obviously love it if my card - #15 - was your favourite *wink*)

OK that's enough shameless grovelling and plugging from me for one day....LOL!



  1. Very, very nice cards! And that pencil card!!!! Wauw!!! This one amazes me, you actually chopped of the ends of your pencils, what amazing thinking, this card is awesome!! You should win!!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  2. I have registered my vote. I also took a look at the others listed, and there is such a high standard; but yours was by far my favourite :o)

    I love the use of colour and the simplicity you found, despite the colours, and it is just so stylish and neat.

    I LOVE IT!!

    Best of luck :o)

  3. Wow! How did you come to think of that? Super!

  4. FABULOUS!! And so well deserved!!! LOVE your cards!

  5. Love your Hello card! Good luck getting to the next round!

  6. Good luck Amy! Your card is just WOW and SUPER! :)


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